The Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Eastern Turan, Tarbagatai,
Saur and South-western Altai Vol.2(Danaidae, Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae)
東トゥラン、タルバガタイ、サウア、南西アルタイの蝶 Vol.2(マダラチョウ科、タテハチョウ科、シジミチョウ科)
Sergei A., Toropov & Alexander B. Zhdanko, 2015.
222x306mm, 425pp. + Addenda I-IX(フルカラー) 30,000円
The Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Eastern Turan, Tarbagatai, Saur and South-western Altai Vol.1 (Papilionidae, Pieridae, Satyridae)
東トゥラン、タルバガタイ、サウア、南西アルタイの蝶 Vol.1(アゲハチョウ科、シロチョウ科、ジャノメチョウ科)
Sergei A., Toropov & Alexander B. Zhdanko, 2013.
222x306mm, 236pp. + Addenda I-XXI(フルカラー) 27,000円
Ecology of Butterflies in Europe ヨーロッパ産蝶類の生態学
Settele,J., Shreeve,T., Konvicka,M. & Van Dyck,H., 2009.
B5, 526pp.+24 カラー図版
Handbook on Common Butterflies of Uttarakhand
Kumar, P., 2008.
B5, 136pp. 6,000円
The butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Dzhungar, Tien Shan, Alai
and Eastern Pamirs. Vol. 2. Danaidae, Nymphalidae, Libytheidae, Riodinidae,
ジュンガル山脈・天山山脈・アライ山脈・東部パミールの蝶 第2巻 マダラチョウ科・タテハチョウ科・テングチョウ科・シジミタテハ科・シジミチョウ科
Toropov,S.A. & Zhdanko,A.B.,2009.
A4, 393pp. 価格:55,000円(税込)
The second volume of the book combines characters of scientific edition
and photo album and may be used as an illustrated guide to butterflies
of the superfamily of Papilionoidea in Dzhungar, Tien Shan, Alai and Eastern
Pamirs. This book includes 162 essays in Russian and English involving
representatives of the families of Danaidae, Nymphalidae, Libytheidae,
Riodinidae, and Lycaenidae. Data on type locality, general area of distribution,
typical habitats, pre-imaginal stages and life-history are presented in
each essay, of which text is illustrated with colour photographs of collection
specimens, butterflies in a natural setting, pre-imaginal stages, food-plants
and typical biotopes. Spreading of subspecies is given in the distribution
map for each species.Reviewers. Figs. 1093. Bibliography 34.
The Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Dzhungar, Tien Shan, Alai
and Eastern Pamirs. Vol. 1. Papilionidae, Pieridae, Satyridae ※弊社・発行元ともに完売
ジュンガル山脈・天山山脈・アライ山脈・東部パミールの蝶 第1巻 アゲハチョウ科・シロチョウ科・ジャノメチョウ科
Toropov,S.A. & Zhdanko,A.B.,2006.
A4, 383pp. 27,000円
The first volume of the book combines characters of scientific edition and photo album and may be used as an illustrated guide to butterflies of the superfamily of Papilionoidea in Dzhungar, Tien Shan, Alai and Eastern Pamirs. This book includes 145 essays in Russian and English involving representatives of the families of Papilionidae, Pieridae and Satyridae. One new combination is proposed. Data on type locality, general area of distribution, typical habitats, pre-imaginal stages and life-history are presented in each essay, of which text is illustrated with colour photographs of collection specimens, butterflies in a natural setting, pre-imaginal stages, food-plants and typical biotopes. Spreading of subspecies is given in the distribution map for each species. Figs. 729. Bibliography 22.
Illustrated Checklist of Nepal's Butterflies ネパールのチョウのチェックリスト
Smith, C., 2006.
A5, 129pp. 4,000円
Climatic Risk Atlas of European Butterflies ヨーロッパ産蝶類の気候変動リスクのアトラス
Settele J., et al, 2008.
17x24cm, 710pp.
Prime Butterfly Areas in Serbia セルビア産蝶類の主要な生息地
Jaksic, P (ed.), 2008.
17x24cm, 223pp. 6,500円
target species, protection & treats, other remarks)で紹介。ほぼフルカラー、ハードカバー、テキスト:英語とセルビア語の併記
The book deals with butterflies that are rare or even extinct elsewhere. This book describes 40 most important butterfly areas in Serbia. CD with distributional data is included. Richly illustrated with color photos of habitats and maps.
Prime Butterflies Areas in Bulgaria
Abadjiev, S. & Beshkov S., 2007.
165x240mm, 222pp. 5,000円
target species, protection & treats, other remarks)で紹介。ほぼフルカラー、ハードカバー、テキスト:英語とブルガリア語の併記
Studies of butterflies in Bulgaria have been carried out for more than 150 years. While the species distribution was more or less known, their conservation was not a special priority until recently. Previously the conservation efforts were mainly focused on a particular species (the decline of butterflies has been recognized for many years) and not on the areas which they inhabit. The main object here was to identify and describe the most important sites for butterflies in the country, implementing a simple method using target species, in order to help the definition of the Bulgarian part of the European Union's NATURA 2000 Network. Fifty NATURA 2000 sites are properly listed and described, and in this respect the book can serve as NATURA 2000 Guide for Bulgaria. The book is richly illustrated by color photos of species and habitats, maps, it includes species listings and data on conservation and protection, as well as basic GIS data on a CD. It is adressed to lepidopterologists, biogeographers, conservationists, NATURA 2000 workers and anyone interested in the nature of the Balkans.
Oelogie einer aussterbenden Population des Segelfalters Iphiclides podalirius (Linnaeus, 1758)
-Ecology of an Almost Extinct Population of the Scarce Swallowtail Iphiclides
podalirius (Linnaeus, 1758)-
Steiner, R., Hermann, G. & Settele, J., 2007.
165x240mm, 171pp. 10,400円
Jungle Bugs in the Night, Scientific Adventure in Tropical Forests of the
Purser, B., 2007.
210x290mm, 168pp. 7,000円
full-color albom with excellent original photos of the author, glossary, In English.
Chapter 1: An introduction to the jungle & its night-life
Chapter 2: Observing Jungle Bugs in the Night
Chapter 3: The incredible Diversity of Jungle Bugs
Chapter 4: Nocturnal behaviour of Jungle Bugs
Chapter 5: Strange bugs in the night
Chapter 6: Jungle Bugs all through the Night
Epilogue:A plea for the bugs
Guide to the Butterflies of Russia and adjacent territories. Vol.1
ロシアおよび近隣地域の蝶 第1巻
Tuzov, V.K.(ed.), 1997.
A4, 480pp. 24,762円
Guide to the Butterflies of Russia and adjacent territories. Vol.2
ロシアおよび近隣地域の蝶 第2巻
Tuzov, V.K.(ed.), 2000.
A4, 580pp. 26,667円
Butterflies of North Asia (Asian Part of Russia) in Nature, Vol. 1
ロシアのアジア地域の蝶類 第1巻
Pavel Gorbunov & Oleg Kosterin, 2003.
A4, 392pp. 30,000円
Butterflies of North Asia (Asian Part of Russia) in Nature, Vol. 2
ロシアのアジア地域の蝶類 第2巻
Pavel Gorbunov & Oleg Kosterin, 2007.
A4, 408pp. 34,000円
The Butterflies of Russia classification, genitalia, keys for identification
(Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea)
Gorbunov, P., 2001.
A4, 256pp., 11,429円